Our Exam Preparation Classes are specially designed to help you succeed in key exams required for study, work, and visa purposes in Japan. These exams include the NAT (Nihongo Aptitude Test), JFT (Japanese Foundation Test), JLPT (Japanese-Language Proficiency Test), and J-Cert Exam. Whether you’re preparing for a language proficiency test or a professional certification, our classes will ensure you are fully prepared to excel.
Course Overview:
These classes provide in-depth preparation for each exam, focusing on language skills, test strategies, and practice exercises. By focusing on the specific needs of each exam, we help students build confidence and improve their performance, ensuring that they are ready to succeed on exam day.
Key Features of the Program:
Comprehensive Exam Coverage: Our courses cover all aspects of the NAT, JFT, JLPT, and J-Cert exams, including listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills.
Experienced Instructors: Learn from experts who are familiar with the specific requirements and format of each exam. They will guide you through the preparation process, offering practical tips and strategies for success.
Practice Exams: Take full-length mock exams for JLPT, NAT, JFT, and J-Cert to familiarize yourself with the test format and improve your test-taking skills.
Personalized Feedback: Receive individualized feedback on your performance to identify areas for improvement and make adjustments to your study routine.
Flexible Learning: Choose between group sessions or one-on-one steps, depending on your preferences and schedule.
Course Content:
Step 1: Introduction to the format and requirements of each exam (NAT, JFT, JLPT, J-Cert), with a detailed overview of each section.
Step 2: Focused practice on NAT and JFT listening and comprehension, aimed at improving your understanding of spoken Japanese.
Step 3: Vocabulary and grammar exercises specific to the levels of JLPT (from N5 to N1), JFT, and J-Cert, helping to strengthen your reading comprehension and writing skills.
Step 4: Speaking practice tailored to the JFT and JLPT speaking sections, including tips on how to respond effectively in real-world scenarios.
Step 5: Mock exams for all four tests (NAT, JFT, JLPT, J-Cert), simulating real test conditions to help you manage time and reduce exam anxiety.
Step 6: Review and analysis of practice exam results, providing personalized guidance on how to address weak points and enhance performance.